Kaylyn & Kyle: Columbia County Amphitheater & Memorial Gardens

They met a little over a year at the ball field by chance and have been dating every since.   From their first date of putt putt these two have been on a quite a few more  adventures including picnics, concerts, movie nights, Vegas, and out for an occasional ice cream.   They are more than just a cute couple looking good in front of the camera.  They are friends.  They laugh together, are sweet, silly, and without a doubt love each other.

I hope you all enjoy and thank you so much Kaylyn and Kyle for letting me document just a tiny part of your relationship.  Even with all the sweat it was so much fun!

Love y’all!


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7 + nine =

Megan & Wesley: Engagement Session: Georgia Regents University

It has been almost 3 years since Megan & Wesley met as students at Augusta State University  (now Georgia Regents University).    After admiring one another from afar Megan mustered up enough guts and asked Wesley to be her date for one of the Alpha Delta Pi socials.     They have been together ever since.

Having met at GRU a place where Megan was crowed GRU Homecoming Queen 2014, they have made so many friends, and where Megan is currently attending grad school it was the perfect place for their first engagement session and somewhere they consider home.

With only a few emails before hand, I still felt like I had known them for years.  They are some of the sweetest people and their love for one another is evident.  It needs no explanation, they adore each other.  I can only look forward to what’s in store for these two and beyond grateful that our paths have crossed.


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three + = 5

Marie & Tommy: Anniversary Session: Downtown Thomson, GA

I can’t believe its been over two years ago since I met with Marie & Tommy to talk about the possibility of photographing their upcoming wedding at the Bowden Johnson House.  When Marie said they had been thinking of doing an anniversary session I was beyond excited.

They’ve been married just a little over a year now and although high school sweathearts they have still grown so much this past year together.  They have moved, started new jobs as school teachers, purchased a car together and are planning their life together.     And just for clarity NO they are NOT pregnant, but maybe one day.   As I type this Marie’s best friend, Courtney, is counting the seconds as they patiently wait to welcome Courtney’s bundle of joy sweet Liam into the world.    They are doing what every newly married couple should be able to do, enjoy this time with each other and celebrate all the moments special to them and their loved ones.

We decided to tackle something a little different for this session and just hang out in their home town, Thomson.   I enjoyed so much getting to catch up with these two!  Thank you Tommy for being such a trooper and to both of you for taking on this extreme heat to get this session in before school starts.

Love you both!

UPDATE:  7.30.15  Baby Liam arrived!  Liam and mom, Courtney, are both healthy and doing well!  Congratulations!

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six + 5 =

Hamm: 9 Months Old: Thomson, GA Summer Fun!

I was so excited to have this adorable little boy on my calendar after several weeks off from sessions!    His mother Morgan was gracious enough to work me on location and ideas and meet early Sunday morning to keep this sweet one out of the heat as much as possible.

I couldn’t have asked for a better subject:  happy, laid back, and cute as pie just like his momma.  Thank you Morgan and Austin for including me in this little man’s life!   I had so much fun! I can only hope that our paths cross again in the near future.


2 Responses to “Hamm: 9 Months Old: Thomson, GA Summer Fun!”

  1. Morgan Usry

    These are so good!!! We had fun taking these and you did such an awesome job! Will definitely be scheduling a 1 year old family session soon! Thanks again Bridgett!

    • admin

      Aww thanks so much Morgan. I am so blessed to get to do something I love.

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2 × six =

4th of July: Raysville Fireworks 2015: Thomson, GA

I’ve spent years sitting on the grass at Raysville Boat Club watching the annual fireworks display surrounded by many friends that through the years I call family, my lake family to be exact.   To say that I grew up at Raysville Boat Club (RBC) is an understatement.  We all grew up at RBC.  We’ve road miles on the trails and paths on golf carts and bikes.   We’ve spent hours upon hours laughing, playing cards, staying up late, breaking rules, having dance parties, listening to bands, attending and hosting showers,  throwing birthday parties, and so much more at this precious place.  Our parents and grandparents watched as we learned to swim and had the courage to ski.  There have been countless hours spent just floating in the water to work on our tans or to hang out with our friends. Gallons of sunscreen has been applied and thousands of swimsuits have been stained from that lake water.    We have shared in laughs, smiles, losses, first loves, and heart breaks.  We have fallen in love and gotten married at RBC.   We have sat on the beach 8 months pregnant praying for that little one to just hurry up.  We have played with sparklers and roasted marshmallows.


Little by little we have all moved on to bigger and better campers and homes to accommodate our families as they have grown.   Through the years we have invited friends and family to the club to enjoy something that we love so dearly.  Those friends have become members and their children are now growing up at RBC.     They are sharing in the same memories we have.  They will probably always remember and laugh about that best summer ever spent at Raysville Boat Club.     Although the face and appearance of the club has changed and grown and some of the quaintness fades as camper after camper is replaced the charm is still there and the family is still there.  Just like all families we have our differences and don’t always see eye to eye but in the end we are FAMILY.

Never would I have thought that I could love a place so dearly and the people there. It is a place we consider home, not only our home but all the homes.   We freely roam from porch to porch to visit and just see whats happening.  We share breakfast and dinners and homemade ice cream together.   Its where we feel safe and where our children are safe.


So this year as I look back at the shots I got from this years show, its not just fireworks and its not just about USA its a reminder of the years that have passed and the years that are to come at the place we call home Raysville Boat Club.

Thank you to the Friends of Clarks Hill for all of your donations and efforts to make sure this show has continued and will continued.   I look forward to 2016.   May we share a lifetime of memories at RBC.

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7 Responses to “4th of July: Raysville Fireworks 2015: Thomson, GA”

  1. Morgan Usry

    These are so good!!! We had fun taking these and you did such an awesome job! Will definitely be scheduling a 1 year old family session soon! Thanks again Bridgett!

    • admin

      Aww thanks so much Morgan. I am so blessed to get to do something I love.

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× 1 = nine

Sweethearts: Will & Mallory Summer 2015 Thomson, Georgia


I feel like I’ve known these two forever and I am so blessed to be able to photography such beautiful people and wonderful friends.    Will and Mallory made special plans just so they could be around on a Sunday afternoon in Thomson before they headed to Atlanta for this small but very sweet session.    They battled the heat for me and let me try out some new techniques.    I am beyond grateful for them and for giving me this opportunity to help me grow as a photographer.    They have a lightheartedness that is contagious and bring warmth and fun into any situation.   Thank you!


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× two = 14

Caroline + Daniel: Augusta, GA Engagement Savannah Rapid Pavillion

I fell in love with Caroline as soon as we met.  We chatted for hours about wedding plans and brainstorming unique ideas for the reception, save the dates, thank you cards and so much more.  If you saw us you would have thought we’d known each other for years.     I didn’t get to meet Daniel until our session but I knew if she loved him and we got along so well that I’d love him too.   I was right.  These two are an absolute dream to work with relaxed and fun and and they adore one another.  I can’t wait for the exciting things to come in the next 12 months as these two start the next chapter together.

They came to Augusta, GA for the weekend to visit family and do some wedding planning and I was lucky enough to be on their schedule for Friday evening.  We met a few hours  before sunset at Savannah Rapids Pavilion on a gorgeous May afternoon.     The weather was near perfect and the the location was spot on.

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