Life Happens!

I am so sorry that I have not been active.  I do post to some social media on facebook and instagram.  At this time I do not have the time to post meaningful material here.  I am still taking pictures and would love to hear from anyone if you are interested in a session.  Over the past few years life has happened alot.  My husband and I have one wild little boy who is almost 2 and we are now talking about the possibilities of building a home.   Life moves fast, so take the time to enjoy it.     Lots of love! Bridgett


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6 × eight =

Leila Senior THS

Wow!  Talk about time flying.  I remember when this little girl hit the ground and our lives would never be the same.  I was only in 7th grade and boy oh boy was I upset that she choose a Friday night when I had dance plans to grace us with her presence.  LOL  We are all so selfish at one point or another aren’t we?    She has always walked to her own beat and any other way just doesn’t seem like it would be right.  Although not grown yet she is graduating high school and will soon be stepping into a world to make it her own.  A world where what we get out of it is directly impacted by what we put in.   I wish her all the best and still completely floored that this little girl is growing up.  Leila may you make choices by what feels right in your heart and not what the rest of the world does or doesn’t expect of you.    We are responsible for our own lives and how they turn out as adults.     We have no option but to work hard and to make the best of it and I know you will.   Leila we love you! Congratulations on such a big accomplishment!


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nine × = 45

Morgan Pate Poston: Welcome to the World Little One

Life always seems to move by so fast.    Perfect example are these photos I did for long time friends back in Oct and I’m just now finding the time to get them on my blog.  Don’t worry Mom and Dad have had these photos for quite some time.

Megan, Cleve, and myself go all the way back to grade school.    We were the best of friends at the ages of 5 and 6 and although we don’t see each other as much as we like to I can still sit down and talk with them like we hang out all the time.     We were privileged to grow up in a small town together and now we can watch our children grow up together as well.  Life is full of wonderful blessings and Miss Morgan arrived this October and I couldn’t be happier for them.


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Santa Sessions 2015!

Santa was here and we had so much fun!  Just a few shots from our afternoon.  Everyone will receive full galleries no later than Monday!  Thanks !SS_0009SS_0007SS_0001SS_0004SS_0003SS_0008SS_0002SS_0006

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Santa Mini Sessions 2015!


Santa Mini Sessions 2015



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nine − = 5

Lillie’s First Hair Cut!

Life is full of firsts no matter how old you are.  First steps, first teeth, first concerts, first date, first car, first home purchase, first child, first job, etc  Lucky for me I not only get to be involved in this little ones life but I also get to document a great deal of it including some of the big firsts.   If you know me you know that Lillie is all but family to Adam and myself.     We have spent countless hours with her and her family and are very lucky to have friends that we call family.

This Tuesday evening I met Lillie and Megan (her mom) at the salon where Gerry Hall Fuller gave 3 year old Lillie her first haircut.  Although just a trim its a first just the same.


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3 − one =

Congratulations Courtney & Jason! Pine Knolls Farm

I know I am a little behind on my blog but I just had to share a few pictures from this sweet wedding at Pine Knoll Farms!     So happy for these two!  Everything was beautiful!

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Brynlee is Turning 1!: Thomson, GA

Wow how time flies.  It feels like yesterday I saw the facebook announcement that Autumn & Matt were expecting and their sweet Brynlee is about to be 1.    They are a beautiful family inside and out.   Autumn & Matt that little girl is going to grow up to be a heart breaker for sure!   I had so much fun just getting to catch up with y’all!  Thank you Adam for assisting and to Matt for getting everything us girls needed!  I hope y’all enjoy.  Can’t wait to do it again!

Love y’all!




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Bethany Grace: THS Senior Class of 2016

What a fun evening with Bethany Grace and her mother, Becky.   We traveled to several spots in McDuffie County to get these shots of this beautiful girl right before she started her senior year of high school.  I wish Bethany Grace the best of luck as finishes this school year out and moves on to college.  I know she will have a tough time making a decision of where to attend but follow your heart.  I’m sure it will all work out perfectly.  Best of luck!


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1 + = five

Scott & Wilson: Family Farm Thomson, GA

I absolutely love getting to see this sweet family when they come to town.  We always have so much fun no matter if its summer and just a few of the Wilson grand kids or its Christmas and the entire family is in town.  These boys have grown so much and so fast.    They did wonderful and I couldn’t have asked for better subjects at a more perfect and special location.  I can’t wait for your next visit!  Love you all!sw_0001sw_0002sw_0003sw_0004sw_0005

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