Leila Senior THS

Wow!  Talk about time flying.  I remember when this little girl hit the ground and our lives would never be the same.  I was only in 7th grade and boy oh boy was I upset that she choose a Friday night when I had dance plans to grace us with her presence.  LOL  We are all so selfish at one point or another aren’t we?    She has always walked to her own beat and any other way just doesn’t seem like it would be right.  Although not grown yet she is graduating high school and will soon be stepping into a world to make it her own.  A world where what we get out of it is directly impacted by what we put in.   I wish her all the best and still completely floored that this little girl is growing up.  Leila may you make choices by what feels right in your heart and not what the rest of the world does or doesn’t expect of you.    We are responsible for our own lives and how they turn out as adults.     We have no option but to work hard and to make the best of it and I know you will.   Leila we love you! Congratulations on such a big accomplishment!


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